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Meet Liam

Community Based Services

When we first met Liam*, he was in trouble with the court for drug use. When others might define Liam by his consequences, our staff could see how the challenges in his life had led him down a difficult path. At home, Liam had an unhealthy relationship with his father, which contributed to his anxiety. He found it hard to focus in school and rein in his impulsive behaviors. Liam fell behind in his classes and was facing a late graduation from high school. Using drugs became a way for him to escape.

Facing a turning point in his life, Liam decided to take action to change course.

Liam began to meet with KyUMH staff multiple times a week through our community-based services. He started group therapy with peers from his school who were struggling with similar challenges.

When he felt safe and supported, Liam began to open up to our staff and his peers. His true personality began to shine through – the goofy, personable, hard working kid God made him to be.

During group therapy, Liam learned skills to manage his anxiety, including breathing exercises. When he is tempted to use drugs now, he knows to reach out to trusted people in his life for help.

Today, Liam is preparing for his future. He is working hard to graduate high school on time and preparing to live on his own. He is learning to manage his finances and wants to work at an HVAC company after he graduates. He’s motivated to learn about how to maintain his insurance and credit score – setting him apart from other youth his age!

Liam has made exceptional progress since we first met him. We’re excited to celebrate his accomplishments with him this spring.