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Offering of Hope Materials

For Pastors and KyUMH Ambassadors

Your ministry through KyUMH changes lives. Here are some free and convenient resources we offer to help you celebrate this 5th Sunday! Most of the resources below can be downloaded here.

If you need assistance, or would like to request a specific resource, please contact:
Rebecca Merrill, Director of Communications and Public Relations

Updates from KyUMH
Use this document to update your congregation on KyUMH's ministry during your worship service or in your church's newsletter.
June 2024 Update - Microsoft Word File


Kayla and Rachel, KyUMH Community Based Services staff, describes the success of their client "Liam". Download video file
Ron, a case manager in our home detention program, describes the success of his client.
Learn about the impact of KyUMH's adoption program. Download here
Learn about the impact of KyUMH's community-based services. Download from Google Drive
Learn about how you are making a difference for youth like Buffy. Download from Google Drive
Learn about how you are making a difference for people like Jon. Download from Google Drive

Kathy's success story. Download

Digital Graphics & Powerpoint Slides

Social Media Graphics
Share graphics from our pages as we post them!
KyUMH Facebook
KyUMH Instagram
KyUMH Twitter

PowerPoint Slides
June 5th Sunday slide Widescreen | Standard
1,942 Youth served in 2023 Widescreen | Standard

Worship Elements

To commemorate our 150th birthday, Rev. Ralph Young, former Donor Stewardship Coordinator and retired Methodist Pastor, has prepared a responsive litany and prayer of blessing for you to incorporate into your worship services.
KyUMH Litany and Prayer

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