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Meet Miles


When did you know you wanted to adopt?

Kasey Jo, adoptive mom: "I have a medical condition that makes it unsafe for me to become pregnant. So for years I struggled with that. But when I was twenty-two years old, my husband at the time and I decided that adoption was our best and safest option. So in January of 2011, we met Jeannie and began our adoption journey."

How did you meet your adopted child?

"We used a national adoption agency out of California and used Mary Kendall for our home studies. We were quickly matched with a birth mother. Sadly that did not work out and we were heartbroken. When we were matched again, I was more hesitant... We flew to Los Angeles on Miles’ due date and waited for him to be born... The day he was born we received a photo of him saying, 'He’s here!' and I just fell to the floor with emotion. It was the greatest feeling in the world to come out of that hospital with that tiny little six pound baby boy."

The first photo Kasey Jo received of Miles.

What is life like with your adopted child?

"We remain in contact with Miles’ birth parents to this day. His birth mom is one of my very best friends. We were actually in each other's weddings! His birth father came to visit for the first time this summer and it was so amazing to see my son connect with him. We are one big happy family and I am honored to share him with them!"

Kasey Jo, Miles, and Miles' biological mom