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Melinda Ryles-Smith

VP for Development

[email protected]

(859) 523-3001

Our Relationship to the United Methodist Church

January 17, 2023

A legacy of service

From our founding in 1871, it has been clergy and laity of Methodist traditions that have answered God’s call to care for children. Even through two pandemics, numerous world conflicts, and several changes in the Methodist church, people like you answered the call.

Now is no different. No matter what happens in the church, serving children and families is central to our calling as Christians and we urge you to continue supporting KyUMH. Your support is making a critical difference in the lives of children and youth who are in need of God's love.

Regardless of your denominational affiliation, we ask you to affirm these core actions:

Your questions, answered.

Want to talk more with someone? Get in touch with Melinda Ryles-Smith at [email protected] or (859) 523-3001.

What is the Kentucky United Methodist Children’s Homes’ (KyUMH) relationship with the Kentucky Annual Conference (KYAC)?

KyUMH is a separate entity incorporated 151 years ago as the Methodist Home of Kentucky, with our own separate nonprofit status. We have benefited from a close relationship and connectional ties to KYAC while remaining an independent organization. Because of this, individuals and churches from any denomination can support KyUMH.

How is KyUMH funded?

We are funded through donations from individuals, foundations and churches, and our billable services such as outpatient therapy. KyUMH does not receive funding from or contribute to apportionments.

Is KyUMH included in apportionments?

KyUMH is not part of apportioned funds. It is only because of the offerings that individual churches elect to take that we are still serving after over 150 years. All donated dollars are used for the benefit of the youth and families we serve.

Can churches who leave the United Methodist Church continue to support KyUMH?

Yes! Churches from various conferences and denominations send support for our youth. These donations are critical to our ministry’s continued vitality. In addition to United Methodist, in the past we have received support from Christian, Baptist and Christian & Missionary Alliance churches, as well as other types of Methodist churches.

What is the impact of church giving?

Church offerings have been the foundation of our ministry since the beginning. These donations help us provide the high quality care our clients need, as the state continues to underfund programs like ours. Simply put, we would not have the positive outcomes we see with our clients if churches did not give! Many other church-founded children's organizations were created at the end of the 19th century, but we are one of the only ones still in operation as the churches continue to support us.

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